Mitt tidigare inlägg om att lakto-ovo-vegetarism dödar djur fick plötsligt kring 2000 besökare på en vecka – mycket mer än något annat jag skrivit på bloggen. Så här på internationella vegandagen 1 november kan det kanske vara passande att ta upp frågan igen, fast den här gången i historisk belysning. För det är ju ingen ny debatt.
Här nedan återger jag ett par stycken ur det första numret av The Vegan News, ett nyhetsbrev för brittiska ”non-dairy vegetarians” som blev grunden till The Vegan Society. Nyhetsbrevet är från november 1944 och fyller alltså i dagarna 66 år. Här föreslog Donald Watson begreppet ”vegan” som en ny, positiv beteckning på människor som inte konsumerar djurprodukter. Dessutom försökte han reda ut förhållandet mellan veganism och laktovegetarism. Rolig läsning tycker jag.
We should all consider carefully what our Group, and our magazine, and ourselves, shall be called. ’Non-dairy’ has become established as a generally understood colloquialism, but like ’non-lacto’ it is too negative. Moreover it does not imply that we are opposed to the use of eggs as food. We need a name that suggests what we do eat, and if possible one that conveys the idea that even with all animal foods taboo, Nature still offers us a bewildering assortment from which to choose. ’Vegetarian’ and ’Fruitarian’ are already associated with societies that allow the ’fruits'(!) of cows and fowls, therefore it seems we must make a new and appropriate word. As this first issue of our periodical had to be named, I have used the title ”The Vegan News”. Should we adopt this, our diet will soon become known as a VEGAN diet, and we should aspire to the rank of VEGANS. Members’ suggestions will be welcomed. The virtue of having a short title is best known to those of us who, as secretaries of vegetarian societies have to type or write the word vegetarian thousands of times a year.
The object of our Group is to state a case for a reform that we think is moral, safe and logical. In doing so we shall, of course, say strongly why we condemn the use of dairy produce and eggs. In return we shall expect to be criticised. It will be no concern of ours if we fail to convert others, but we do think it should concern them if, deep in their hearts, they know we are right. In any case, there need be no animosity between ourselves and the ’lactos’. We all accept that lacto-vegetarianism has a well appointed place in dietary evolution, and for this reason several of us spend a great deal of our time working for the lacto-vegetarian Cause. During recent years the two national vegetarian societies have devoted much space in their magazines to this question of the use of dairy product, and we have every reason to believe they will attach importance to our work and occasionally report on it. (Before forming the Group, the suggestion was made to The Vegetarian Society that such a Section be formed as part of the Society. The suggestion was considered sympathetically by the Committee, who decided that the full energies of the Society must continue to be applied to the task of abolishing flesh-eating, and that any such Group would, therefore, be freer to act as an independent body.) The need to prove that it is possible to thrive without dairy produce is, of course, far too important for any lacto-vegetarian to ignore. To resign oneself to lacto-vegetarianism as a satisfactory solution to the diet problem is to accept a sequence of horrible farmyard and slaughter-house incidents as part of an inevitable Divine Plan. Need it be added that it would imply too accepting the spectacle of a grown man attached to the udder of a cow as a dignified and rational intention on the part of Nature!
Without making any claims to self-righteousness, we feel in a strong position to criticise lacto-vegetarianism, because the worst we can say will be but a repetition of criticism we have already levelled against ourselves. Therefore we shall express the Truth as we see it and feel it, and though our friends the lacto-vegetarians may reject our ideas if they wish, we hope they will not reject us for stating them.
Ett svar till “Vårt förhållande till laktovegetarianerna”
Intressant. Och kul med att de ville ha ett kort ord för att vegetarian var jobbigt att skriva många gånger!